Process documents describe how the MSA carries out different parts of its mandate, including investigations and compliance.
Market share offer control process
Section 5 of the Fair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation requires that the MSA, at least annually, publish certain metrics related to market share offer control. This document sets out the process for this annual publication, including obligations for market participants to provide information to the MSA, and details triggers for mid-year reporting.
Market Share Offer Control Process
Investigation process
The MSA has the mandate to carry out surveillance and investigation in respect of the supply, generation, transmission, distribution, trade, exchange, purchase or sale of electricity, electric energy, electricity services or ancillary services, or any aspect of these activities, as well as retail natural gas.
Stakeholder consultation process
The principles around stakeholder engagement and the common project framework set out in this report are intended to provide this common understanding and to guide the MSA’s actions on public projects.
Stakeholder Consultation Process
Compliance process
Section 39(1)(b) of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act requires that the MSA undertake activities to address contraventions of Independent System Operator's rules or reliability standards. This document sets out the process followed to review and address such matters beginning with a self-report or referral of a matter through to a possible outcome of forbearance, specified penalty, or administrative penalty.
ISO rules
A standard form is available to participants to assist with self-reporting of compliance matters concerning ISO rules.
Reliability standards
A standard form is available to registered entities to assist with self-reporting of a compliance matter concerning Alberta Reliability Standards. Additional standard forms are available for submission of mitigation plans to the MSA.